• lblackall
  1. Microbial Ecology-Environmental Microbiology in Victoria

    Microbial Ecology-Environmental Microbiology (MEEM) in Victoria   What: Microbial Ecology-Environmental Microbiology (MEEM) in Victoria (4 ECR speakers, 3 PhD speakers; afternoon tea, post meeting social event) …


  2. Prof Ute Roessner “Imaging mass spectrometry – where are metabolites located?”, Tues 11 Sept, 12noon-1pm

    EMRI member and Head of the School of BioSciences Prof Ute Roessner will deliver the School of BioSciences Visions Seminar Imaging mass spectrometry – where are …


  3. Imaging and Modelling of Cellular Life Symposium – Biological Optical Microscopy Platform

    A reminder that registration is open for the Biological Optical Microscopy Platform Imaging and Modelling of Cellular Life Symposium. This symposium will highlight research that uses high-end …


  4. Introduction to R Workshops – 11th September and 13th September

    Introduction to R Workshops Tuesday Sept 11th and Thursday Sept 13th 9:00am-5:00pm Learn how to use R for data manipulation, analysis and visualisation. R is commonly …


  5. Careers in Computational Biology – 17th September, 2018

    Careers in Computational Biology run by Computational Biology Research Initiative on Monday 17th September. RSVP essential!


  6. Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society (ABACBS) conference 26-20 November, 2018

    Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society meeting 26-30 November, 2018, at University of Melbourne. COMBINE Student Symposium 26 November, 2018; ABACBS conference 27-28 November; associated workshops …


  7. COMBINE RNA-seq Workshop register by 19th Sept

    Details: What: Melbourne RNA-Seq Workshop Date: 26th-27th September Registration closes: 5 pm, 19th September Venue: Seminar Room 2, WEHI (1G Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3051, Australia) Registration: www.abacbs.org/rnaseq-analysis-in-r#!event-register/2018/9/26/rna-seq-analysis-in-r Course materials: combine-australia.github.io/2018-09-26-RNAseq-Melbourne/ The …


  8. Prof Karen Day (Dean of Science) named Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor

    Prof Karen Day (Dean of the Faculty of Science) awarded the title of Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor for her outstanding leadership within the University’s professoriate.


  9. Kim-Anh Lê Cao wins prestigious Career Development Fellowship from the NHMRC

    EMRI member Kim-Anh Lê Cao wins prestigious 2019-2022 Career Development Fellowship (CDF2) from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) ‘Microbiome biomarkers of human disease: …


  10. Dr Doug Brumley on organising committee of Microscale Ocean Biophysics 5.0, 1-16 January, 2019, Whistler, Canada

    EMRI member Dr Doug Brumley on the organising committee of Microscale Ocean Biophysics 5.0, 10-16 January, 2019, Whistler, Canada.


Number of posts found: 29