Posted under Events

  1. Employing genome-resolved metagenomics to understand and optimize a thiocyanate degrading bioreactor treating gold mine wastewater

    Dr Mathew Watts School of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne 1 November 2017 12-1pm Bio21 Institute Auditorium 30 Flemington Road, Parkville

  2. SysGen Seminar: Lessons from the Neandertal microbiome: how our past impacts our future health

    Laura Weyrich The Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, University of Adelaide Friday 27 October 12-1pm Babel Chisholm Theatre, Babel Building, The University of Melbourne

  3. ‘Omics datasets integration: could it help improve waste degradation?

    Olivier Chapleur National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (IRSTEA), Paris, France Friday 13 October 2017 12-1pm FW Jones Theatre, Level 3 …

  4. Environmental Microbiology Symposium

    Professor Linda Blackall Dr Doug Brumley Dr Eleonora Egidi Dr Chris Greening Professor Mark Osborn Dr Steve Petrovski Tuesday 10 October 2017 6-9pm Turner Theatre, Biosciences …

  5. Controlling life, one cell at a time

    Dr Filippo Menolascina The University of Edinburgh Thursday 5 October 4.30-5.30pm Evan Williams Theatre, Peter Hall Building, Monash Road, University of Melbourne, Parkville

  6. Environmental Microbiology Research Initiative (EMRI) seminar triple bill

    Dr Jeremy J. Barr Dr Chris Greening Dr Mike McDonald Friday 21 July 2017 2-4pm Agar Theatre, BioSciences 4, University of Melbourne, Parkville

  7. A new view of the tree of life and the roles of novel lineages in subsurface biogeochemistry

    Professor Jill Banfield 12 July 2017 11am-12pm Agar Theatre, BioSciences 4, University of Melbourne, Parkville